The "Proposition One Committee Trust" players

Here is the list of those involved with the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization going under the name of "Proposition One Committee Trust":

Ellen Benjamin Thomas 
aka Ellen Benjamin
aka The Queen

As of 2010 - 2011 current ring leader, and sometimes referred to by some as the queen.
(currently sifting through all the data, sound bites and pics to share with you concerning this female ) I have heard Ellen Benjamin Thomas preach about caring so much about Concepcion Picciotto, others who fall on hard times and even watched her give forth FAKE expressions of compassion.
Wait till you come to know of her complete lack of compassion for a torture victim at the hands of the Canadian government, and how she was all too willing to dispose of 3 domesticated cats in the wilderness. 
Now what do you think PETA would think of that?

William "B." Wardlaw
This man is listed as being part of the 
Proposition One Committee Trust. 
Currently a whole lot of info and links will be forthcoming showing how he presents himself and the real behind the scenes look at William "B." Wardlaw. 
He self promotes himself as being anti- Coka-Cola, but did you know he made a load of money off of having Coke-Cola stock? Yes he did! 

James E. McGinley aka start loving (it would be nice if he could)
Go here for more on James E. McGinley:
James (Jay) E. McGinley aka start loving

Check back as more information, details and pics are readied for those seeking Truth.